Tuesday 15 August 2023

Gym and bureaucracy

It's been 5 weeks! I finally got back to gym last night. The past 5 weeks I've either been away, sick, or cramping. Finally I was able to get back to Body Balance last night. I forgot what a buzz I can get after going to the gym. More often than not, it is definitely a mood booster for me. I even woke up with my abs hurting a little bit :) Which means I was exercising right :) Hehe. 

I'm finally back at uni today. Albeit, I didn't get in until like 12:30, at least I got here right? I've been working in the lab today, downloading lots of data and packing up my branches I had set up for measurements the past week. I got into the lab and it was 28 degrees Celsius again, I swear the people here must be trying to kill me. I set it back down to 22 deg C, but with in an hour or so it reverted to 28 deg C again. I think I've changed it so it will revert back to 22 deg C if it is changed temporarily. Why would someone set it to 28 deg C to begin with? No where in the world is that comfortable indoor working conditions. No wonder my branches dried up so fast! If it changes back again any time soon, I am going to have to complain to someone. I have no idea who, everything at my current uni is assumed knowledge and most of what I have found out I have had to learn either via making mistakes or asking people several times directly. 

This university is very laid back in some ways, which is kind of nice, but it definitely needs more structure for me. But then on the other hand to get any form of approval for expenses or field trips you have to submit the same forms at least two times to different offices/people for approval. Why must I complete the same paperwork twice? It is so inefficient. Whilst at my previous university it was harder to get permission because of risk assessments, and they even failed to enroll me properly once, it was much more organised and straight forward. I would know what else I needed to do to get approval. Where I am currently, I ask the finance team what approval I need and they don't tell me. Instead the next week I get another email asking me why I haven't got approval, and I have to ask them again what the second approval is that I need. 

Let's get back to a happier topic - gym! Hopefully, I can get back into the habit of regularly going again. I would love to be able to go 3-4 times a week, but let's aim for once a week for now. Some time in the past few weeks I even looked up doing some capoeira classes, however, there were no beginner adult classes anywhere near my home or my work place. Perhaps I should try and pick up Body Combat or Body Pump to get my heart rate up some more. Again, they will be additional classes to my Body Balance that I need to get back into doing first. At least with Body Balance I generally do get severe migraine symptoms afterwards. That's one of the reasons I quit Body Combat, which I really enjoyed. Perhaps now I am seeing a physio and remedial masseuse regularly it won't be as bad?

Speaking of migraine, thankfully my symptoms have not been that bad lately. I have had some mild headaches and neck pain, but, considering the amount of stress and driving I have been doing it has been quite the miracle! Sunday evening my brain was pretty foggy after work, I think everything from the previous 2 weeks of non-stop doing things and a family death had finally caught up to me, but again no severe migraine which was great :)

Monday night I even fell asleep on the 2-seater couch that is definately too short to lay straight on. I passed out around 8 pm and didn't get up again until past 8 am. I woke up a few times but I just rotated and went back to sleep, I was way too exhausted to get up and go to bed even. I did notice my lower back aching a bit, but once I got up it appeared to improve. Again, despite not even having a proper pillow, I had no migraine symptoms the next day! I did decide to work at home another day though.

Well, I better wrap things up for now and try and do some more work whilst my data is downloading still. This is why I am currently on two laptops, so I can actually do something. 

Ta Ta For Now.

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