Wednesday 31 May 2023

The financial cost of education

It's June now. Which means my university debt (HELP or HECS) just went up because of indexation.

Here is what indexation is:

"There is no interest charged on HELP debts.

However, indexation is added to your debt on 1 June each year.

Indexation is applied to your debt to maintain its real value by adjusting it in line with changes in the cost of living."

- Study Assist - Loan Indexation

This happens every year, however, this year the rate of increase was 7.1%. This is the highest it has ever been over the past 10 years. 

See: ATO Indexation Rates

Having done an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree my debt is obviously going to be higher than the majority of the population that only does an undergraduate degree and then finds a job. 

As much as I would love a free education like back in Whitlam's (1970's and 1980's) or like it is in some Scandinavian countries, I can accept that there are costs to getting an education and I am thankful that as an Australian citizen from a low socioeconomic background I am still able to go to university by getting a loan from the government. 

I can also accept to some degree that the longer it takes to pay off a loan the more it goes up. However, the amount it goes up by, specifically this year is quite ridiculous. 

Another thing I find unacceptable is when it is obligatory to make repayments. Currently you must start making repayments when you earn approximately only $5000* more than the minimum annual wage in Australia. To be fair, the less you earn the less percentage you have to pay off and vice versa, but I believe the minimum repayment income should be raised so people actually have a chance of not just getting out of debt, but also so they have a chance to invest in their future.

*This figure is APPROXIMATE

As a PhD student I earn below the minimum wage, despite being expected to work full-time hours, so I am currently not required to make payments to my loan. However, this year I made my first voluntary repayment. Not that it will reduce my debt, but rather keep it as it is.

**Yesterday my debt was 'y', I made a payment so my debt was 'x'. Today, after indexation is applied my new debt will be 'y' again. I can't afford to make a massive repayment, even the payment I did make is taking it straight out of my very limited savings. But if I did not make this repayment my debt would have increased to 'z'. 

**Where 'x' is the lower amount, followed by 'y', and 'z' is the highest amount.

I was debating with myself whether to make a repayment at all. Especially considering due to my disabilities and my carer responsibilities I may never earn enough to have to pay off my debt. However, I decided to be hopeful that one day I will be earning above the minimum wage and may even be in a position to apply for a home loan (with my partner, as a single income is rarely enough to buy any property these days). If I let my debt increase, I would not just have more to pay back in the future, but it would also affect any borrowing power I/we might have. 

Fingers crossed I made the best decision - that is being less well off now to be better off in the future.

Sunday 21 May 2023

Another intense week...

So, I made it back to uni Mon- Weds this week! This is a bit of an achievement for me. After being away for so long it feels weird in many ways. The weirdest feeling is the social aspect of it. Seeing people after so long, and some of them wondering where you have been and having to explain a certain amount to them is always a bit scary. I am thankful I actually have a physical problem (migraines) and not just autistic problems and carers responsibilities, since people seem to understand physical problems so much better. As progressive as society is in some ways, I would not be able to explain my autism properly in a way that others would even begin to comprehend, especially since I present so well. I am a master at masking not just my autism, but also all my other stresses, responsibilities, depression and even my physical pains. Something else the majority of people my age and younger don't understand is carers responsibilities. Almost everyone here that I have spoken only has themselves to worry about. They have no dependents, and as such the only financial and time related responsibilities have been self-related. I mention that I help care for my family and they can't even comprehend what I mean by that. They are fortunate enough to either not have disabled family members or have other family members that can care for them. I have been asked why I don't just leave my family to look after themselves with the public health systems to help them out? Anyone who has delt with the public health system knows it does not properly support low-income people with non-physical disabilities. 

In other news, one of my 3-year-old boys got a urinary blockage and had to spend a couple of days at the vet. He is home now seeming happy, and his brother is definitely much happier to have him home! He had to spend time at a 24/7 emergency vet clinic, they wanted to keep him a couple more nights, but thankfully they let me take him to my normal vet after the first night. This made the vet bill more than 10 times cheaper! My Youngest girl (who acts like the boys) also had a dental procedure last week. She is less than a year old and has already had to have teeth removed. They said she probably would not want to eat that night. but as soon as I brought her home, she went straight to the food bowl and was eating! Both of these cats really love their food! 

Saturday was Mum's 60th afternoon tea that I organised. It seemed to go well with people enjoying themselves. Only after the last guest left did I realise how much physical pain I was in though. While I was busy making food, and entertaining people I totally blocked out any headaches I had. I also realised once they left that I had only sat down maybe 2 minutes over the past 4 hours or so and my feet and lower back were quite sore.

Lastly, I had a short work shift on Sunday. I was thinking, great its a short day and I can have half a day at home to recover after the week. Of course that didn't happen. I was using the work car and got a flat tyre. Being a Sunday, there were no tyre shops open anywhere where I was, and NRMA could only tow me to the tyre shop and leave me there, with all the animals in the car. Thankfully my wonderful partner gave up his day off to come and get me and the critters to take us back to where they live and to where my car was. 

So I'm back at Uni today and have a whole week of PhD work to do again, with no time to actually rest. I do have a couple of science talks in a pub I will be going to which I will enjoy. However, while I may be doing enjoyable activities, I am still not getting to actually sit down and do nothing but rest. I still have on and off headaches of varying degrees of pain, but thankfully no debilitating migraine symptoms for a maybe a week. I can also be thankful for having perfect eyes. I had an optometrist appointment last week and they did several different tests, and I was perfect for them all! I even got to see behind/inside my eyes :D That was really cool!

Here is a picture of what it kind of looked like (not my eye):

Sunday 14 May 2023

What a week

Last week was all over the place. I did not take sick leave as I only get 10 days per year. I stayed home all week though, and barely did any work. Here's how the following days played out.


I woke up at 4.30 am and decided to feed my cat. She ate her food like a good girl, then around 5 am she had a heart attack and passed in my arms. Following that event, my migraine came back. There was no way I was going to uni. Around 8.30 am I finally was able to get back to sleep. I woke up around 1 pm and don't know what I did for the rest of the day. I did take some of my new migraine meds and the pain went away :). No work was achieved this day. 


I was not going into uni today either as we scheduled to bury my cat when Mum, me, and our partners were all available that afternoon. I had my counseling appointment via Zoom. I  started to organise some of my calendars, but no other work was achieved this day. I also was not up to going to the gym even.


I woke up to my 5 am alarm to watch Eurovision Semi-final 1. This is good, I will talk about Eurovision more later though. Once it finished around 7 am, I went back to bed. I probably woke around 12 or 1 pm and by now I was thinking "There is no point in going to uni this week is there?" I was still working through my grief, the exhaustion, and pain from having a migraine the past 10 days added to the exhaustion of worrying and caring for my cat. I had no ability to focus and no motivation. I did manage to get to the gym in the evening though :)


My body and head were in pain, but nowhere near as much as the previous week or Monday. No uni work was done today but I met up with my Supervisor for my casual job for a couple of hours and worked through what we needed to. I did also send a couple of emails to my uni supervisors. In the evening I took my to a comedy event. The event was good, I just wish I didn't have to drive as I noticed a did a few things I would not normally have done if I were functioning properly. 


I had my alarms set for 5 am to watch Eurovision semi-final 2. Unfortunately, I didn't get up until 5.15 am so I missed the first 2 and a half performances :(. Thankfully, Australia was the final performance so I didn't miss them. Once this finished at 7 am I went back to bed, but only for a couple of hours, as I had scheduled things for the day. I met with my main supervisor over Zoom to catch up. Then I finally had my remedial massage, I had been waiting all week for this appointment with all my aches and pains. Despite the pain, my body isn't as bad as it used to be when I first started treatment a couple of years ago. My superficial muscles are still moveable! The reason I am feeling pain in new places is because my nerves now have access to blood flow. When I first went she could not get into my deep muscles as my superficial muscles were so bad, and also my muscles were cold with a lack of blood flow.  I also managed to do about an hour of uni work, reading, and a little bit of writing :).


The Grand final was 5 am - 9.15 am Sunday morning, and luckily I woke up in time to watch the entire thing live and vote :D.

Now Eurovision is very important for my mental health. You may be thinking "Why would you wake up at 5 am if you don't need to? Especially when you are exhausted and in physical pain!", but I need to for my own happiness. Eurovision is one of the few things I actually look forward to, I generally don't look forward to much in life as I end up getting let down a lot, but Eurovision has never failed me. 

I also much prefer to watch things live, or when they are first released if they are important to me. With the internet these days it is almost impossible to avoid spoilers! Also, I get to vote if I want to. It feels better when I watch it live than as a repeat, I just don't get the same serotonin from repeats. I did the same for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary special, that is wake up at 4 or 5 am to watch it. 

What made this year even better was the fact a band I knew and liked was Australia's representative this year! I only discovered them a bit over a year ago, but I've already seen them live once and will be again next month :D. 

Now - Monday again 

I dropped my youngest cat off at the vet this morning as she has gum and bone disease at only about 11 months old. She has had her teeth cleaned, some removed, xrays, and blood tests. Luckily she does not have FIV! I then drove all the way out to uni, which was quite exhausting being an hour-long trip (with tolls). I have done some work today, not a lot, but I'm trying. I have a bit of a headache and will probably head home in less than an hour, picking my cat up on the way of course! 

Saturday 6 May 2023


It is now 7.30 pm. I am ready to go to sleep. I got up at around 1-1.30 pm. I started to doze off somewhere between now and then. I went to sleep around 1.30 am last night. Fitbit says I had just over 8 hours of sleep during that 12-hour period. I pretty much woke up every couple of hours.

The thing is that last night I probably had the best sleep I have had in the past week. For the past few days. I have had 4 - 5 hours of sleep per night/day. I have also been regularly waking up every 1 - 2 hours and then not being able to sleep for the next 1 - 2 hours. 

I would say the main cause of my sleeping issues is that one of my almost 16-year-old cats is not well. I am spending a lot of time worrying about her and hand-feeding her regularly to make sure that she actually consumes food and moisture.

It is not unusual for me to prioritise my pets' health over mine. It is very difficult for me not to. My pets, in particular my cats have helped me through a lot of my mental health problems and have given me reasons to live. 

I accept death as a part of life, and I know many more of my loved ones will die over my lifetime. However, I will do everything in my power to make sure their last few days or months are comfortable while spending as much quality time with them as possible. 

My migraine has been gone for a couple of days, however, my head is hurting a bit now. Hopefully, it does not develop into another migraine. This time at least I have a stronger medication.

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Sick Leave

So after spending an hour and a half with my uni counselor the other day and having several cries, I have decided to take sick leave this week. 

My head still hurts, not as intense as the first 3 days but it's all still there. It is day 7 today.

Sadly, when I take time off, it only puts a pause on one of my life's demands. 

I still have to deal with my family, my casual job, public housing, council, and ill pets, all of this while still having a migraine. 

I don't really feel like elaborating on how the above are increasing my anxiety right now, I am too tired.

I just want to say that I hate taking time off and/or getting extensions on things. I would much rather be able to function properly and concentrate on my work. While taking time to deal with these other things and hopefully, get over my migraine is generally good for me, this time also adds to my anxiety and depression in a different way. 


Hello there... the angel from my... rainforest? My enjoyment of research has been partially reignited, probably only temporarily considering...